- 2018 Destructive Mould Workshop
- 2018 Conduct A Mould Assessment Course BLDBIO605 (This course forms part of the competencies for the Advanced Diploma of Building Biology)
- 2008 Bonded Asbestos Identification & Management
- 2004 Certificate III Internal Wet Area Waterproofing
- 2004 Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training
- 2002 Certificate II National Maritime Operations
- 1995 Graduate Diploma in Land Economy University of Western Sydney Hawkesbury
- 1993 Structural Pest Course TAFE
- 1988 Associate Diploma Valuation Sydney Institute of Technology
- 1983 Carpentry Certificate Sydney Technical College
- 1983 Building Certificate (Revised) Sydney Institute of Technology
- 1983 Builder Business Course Sydney Institute of Technology
Employment History
Established ‘Paul Ratcliff Building and Inspection Reports Pty Ltd’ with a focus on building and waterproofing inspections, forensic investigation of general building defects for litigation, and preparation of waterproofing scopes of work.
During this time I have provided scopes of work and assessment of for waterproofing the following major developments – Hyde Park Pool of Reflection, Mona Vale Hospital, Parliamentary ensuites No 1 Bligh St Sydney, Westmead Private Hospital, North Shore Hospital Birthing Centre, Multi-residential balcony refurbishment Mc Donald St Cronulla, Uniting Church Wyong Retirement Village bathroom rectification, Bulli Hospital, Camden University, Canberra Hospital, Opal Towers, Otto 2, Crowne Plaza Coogee, HMAS Platypus, Arthur Boyd Art Gallery Bundanoon and North Sydney Clinic for North Shore Hospital. I have also provided expert opinion in the Supreme Court of NSW on waterproofing and building related matters.
I was a committee member of BD-038 Standards Committee that was tasked with reviewing the deemed to satisfy requirements for waterproofing both internal and external wet areas.
I am a co-author of the Master Builders Association (NSW) ‘Guide to internal wet area waterproofing’, Guide to external waterproofing balcony decks, Guide to planterbox waterproofing, Guide to flashings and damp-proof courses.
In 2020 and 2021 I presented a seminar on “Waterproofing assessment and critical stage inspections” for the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors. This was an Australia wide lecture series presented to over 600 building surveyors.
2014 - 2017
When my business was sold to Building and Waterproofing Reports Australia (BWRA) in July 2014, I stayed with BWRA as Senior Consultant, performing the same tasks.
1999 –2014 Building & Waterproofing Reports Pty Ltd (Owner and Director)
- Technical opinions on 250-300 properties each year.
- Provide expert opinion in CTTT, District and Supreme Courts.
- Single party expert opinion in Supreme Court.
- General building and waterproofing consultancy.
- Project management of waterproofing remedial work.
- Site inspections and diagnostic investigations.
- Paul Ratcliff is a panel expert for Vero Insurance, Sergon Building Consultants,
Censeo building consultants, etc., investigating waterproofing failures.
1993 – 1999 Tyrrells Property Inspections Pty Ltd
Inspection of over 2,000 pre-purchase property and pest reports on a variety of houses and apartment buildings, including general building consultancy and expert legal reports.
1984 – 1993 Ratcliff Constructions Pty Ltd
Hands-on site foreman, undertaking general carpentry and set-out, calculating and submitting variations and progress claims.
Cost of works estimates and assistance with negotiation of tenders, with responsibility for monitoring estimated vs actual costs.
Contracts ranged from $20,000 to $3,000,000, with the majority of projects being upper market residential properties with high level finishes.
1980 – 1983 Ratcliff and Hearn Constructions Pty Ltd
- Apprenticeship year 1: general labouring, rock and trench excavation, minor concrete works.
- Apprenticeships years 2 and 3: general carpentry, laying timber floors, pitching roofs, upper floor framing, fitting joinery, installation of door and window flashings.
- In late 1983 Paul worked in a joinery shop, fabricating kitchens, vanities, windows, doors and door frames.
Professional Membership and Associations
- Chairman of the Master Builders Association Waterproofing Technical Committee
- Accredited Building Consultant with the Master Builders Association
Licences and Registrations
Builder Licence number 18600C
Books Co-Authored In Waterproofing
- “Book 1: Guide to Internal Wet Area Waterproofing”
- “Book 2: Guide to External Waterproofing- Balcony Decks”
- “Book 3: Guide to Waterproofing-Planterboxes”
- “Book 4: Guide to Flashings and Damp proof courses”
- Tile Today June 2004 “Waterproofer licensing problems resolved in NSW”
- Sunday Telegraph 5 May 2003 “How to build without blowing your budget”
- Sunday Telegraph front page 10 Aug 2003 “The Block in breach of building code”
- Building Industry Connection Sept 2003 “Waterproofing rules of thumb for drier wet areas”
- The Master Builder August 2003 “The cost of waterproofing failures”
Presentations, Seminars & Workshops
- 2021: AIBS NSW Chapter professional development seminar. What are the real issues for building surveyors when assessing waterproofing.
- 2021: Mecca Events Mould and Moisture Webinar – 200 attendees.
- 2020: Mecca Events filmed webinar on building defects – 250 attendees.
- 2019: Institute of Arbitrators – joint presenter on a forum discussing the unique nature of expert evidence, the use of experts and their expert reports in legal proceedings.
- 2019: Mecca Events – Sink or Swim design of waterproofing systems.
- 2019: Building Designers Association National Conference – Presented paper on green roof waterproofing design and considerations.
- 2018: Chairperson of MBA (NSW) Waterproofing Advisory Panel – chaired panel meeting and prepared recommendations for MBA (NSW) for government submissions on problems associated with the waterproofing industry and why there are so many insurance claims for water penetration to buildings.
- 2017: Mecca Events Seminar – Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth, New Zealand Present seminar on “Why Water & Buildings Don’t Mix”.
- 2013: Rapid Conference AS 4654.2-2012 implications for building consultants.
- 2010: Tzannes Architects waterproofing buildings – design considerations.
- 2010: Master Builders Association forum on the waterproofing industry in 2010
- 2007: Office of Fair Trading inspectors - presented training on internal and external waterproofing inspection – common issues.
- 2001: Guest Speaker Eastern Suburbs Evening College. Topic Pre-purchase inspections.
- 2000: Guest speaker “Wet Seal National Conference”. Topic: Waterproofing Defects what to look for when inspecting waterproofing.
- Recipient of the Master Builders Association 2004 “Recognition of Service Award” for development of the Master Builders Best Practice Manual “Guide to Internal Wet Area Waterproofing”
- NSW Department of Education and Training Initiative Award for participation in developing a nationally accredited training and assessment package for internal wet area waterproofing.
- Participation in Australian Standards
2020/21: BD-038 which reviewed AS 3740 for NCC 2022.
External Wet Area Waterproofing BD/13
Key projects that demonstrate my experience
- 2023: Monee Ponds Medical Centre investigate cause of blistering vinyl and water penetration to various areas of medical centre. Provide scope of work for repair.
- 2023: Sibyl Centre Sydney University investigate ongoing water penetrations on completion of repairs. Undertake diagnostic investigation to identify causes and provide scopes of work for repairs.
- 2023: Sharks Football Club refurbishment assess roof flashing, façade flashing and internal waterproofing design.
- 2022: Nowra Hospital investigate cause of blistering in vinyl flooring and provide scope of work to address water penetrations.
- 2022: Australian Border Force Neutral Bay provide scope of work to address water penetrations to façade and below grade.
- 2022: Taronga Zoo reptile centre construction of new building. Provide waterproofing advice for below grade waterproofing and drainage.
- 2022: Igluu Bondi Junction multi-residential student accommodation assess waterproofing design for below grade and internal wet areas.
- 2022: Charles Perkins Centre Sydney University assess rooftop waterproofing.
- 2022: Overseas Passenger Terminal Sydney investigation of leaks to commercial properties and below roadway. Prepare scopes of work. Prepare priority assessment report with estimated costs.
- 2022: Lifestyle Manor Bondi assess waterproofing. Prepare litigation report on leaks to building with Hebel wall and light weight wall systems.
- 2022: Central Square West Ryde preliminary inspection of building. Identify cause of ongoing leaks associated with AFS wall system flashings at windows, doors and balconies after previous attempted repairs.
- 2022: Marine Parade Maroubra investigate water leaks to beach front apartment building. Assist RHM Consultants with diagnosing cause of leaks and scope of work for repair.
- 2022 Fairlight Class 2 multi-storey residential building. Assist iCare with cause of blistering paint on outside of building after repairs. Prepare scope of work for remediation.
- 2022: Sydney University Susan Wakil Building investigation of water leaks below external stairs and efflorescence. Assist in negotiations with builder to finalise repairs.
- 2022: Sydney University Chemistry Building provide a scope of work to address roof leaks by complete re-waterproofing of roof.
- 2022: Lone Pine Tavern roof leaks around operable skylight. Determine cause and provide scope of work.
- 2022: Sydney University Queen Mary Building assessment of water leaks and scope of work to rectify.
- 2022: Orange Anglican Grammar School proposed new learning facility stages 1 and 2. Waterproofing design assessment. Recommendations for waterproofing systems for basement, internal wet areas and podium.
- 2022: TAFE NSW IATC Kingswood design of waterproofing systems for new TAFE building including basement tanking, lift pits, window flashings and podiums.
- 2022: The Brewery – Sydney Broadway – Waterproofing design for basement plant area 2m below water table.
- 2021: Unit development Henry Parry Drive Gosford assess waterproofing. Attend conclave and reach agreements relating to cause and method of repair.
- 2021: Comden Hospital: The George Centre – waterproofing design assessment for basement tanking.
- 2021: Gordon Private Hospital assessment of waterproofing of ensuites.
- 2021: Parkview Constructions Woolooware Bay Town Centre waterproofing design assessment internal and external wet areas.
- 2021: Northside Clinic assessment and diagnosis of cause of leaks to Hospital. Prepare scopes of work.
- 2021: HBCF – waterproofing diagnostics and scope of work for unit balconies in Queen St Woollahra after failed attempt for repairs.
- 2021: Opal Tower: Undertake review of all water penetrations. Conclave defects and agree scopes of work. Scope of work for waterproofing issues.
- 2021: Vero Warranty – address outstanding water leaks in Class 2 buildings on the Northern Beaches and Central Coast.
- 2021: North Sydney Clinic for North Shore Hospital – level 8 balcony waterproofing design on steel frames & concrete balconies.
- 2021: Boral: Review waterproofing sectional details for wet area plasterboard installation in wet areas.
2021: Arthur Boyd Gallery Re-development – scope of work for waterproofing below ground construction of art gallery. - 2021: The Revy – investigate waterproofing issues in Class 2 unit development.
- 2020: HMAS Platypus – scope of work to address basement drainage issues.
- 2020: Uniting Normanhurst – assessment of waterproofing to bathrooms and balconies in unit development under construction.
- 2020: Headland Hotel Austinmer – determine cause of leaks to unit development.
- 2020: Crown Plaza Coogee – assess historical water penetration event causal issues.
- 2020: Kanahooka Rd Kanahooka – assessment of waterproofing and flashings issues in over 55’s multi-residential development.
- 2020: Maranoa Village Alstonville – waterproofing and flashing design aged care facility.
- 2020: Mona Vale Hospital – waterproofing assessment bathrooms and balconies.
- 2019: Otto 2 Roseberry – investigation of balcony waterproofing.
- 2019: Camden University – flat roof waterproofing failure investigation and scope of work.
- 2019: Woolloomooloo Finger Wharf – standard waterproofing scope for bathroom refurbishments across all units.
- 2019: Bulli Hospital – waterproofing issues in bathrooms investigation and assessment as client expert.
- 2019: Westmead Private Hospital roof waterproofing scope of work.
- 2019: Waterproofing scope of work for ministerial ensuite refurbishments No 1 Bligh St Sydney.
- 2019: Mona Vale Hospital waterproofing opinion.
- 2018: North Shore Hospital Birthing Centre scope of work for waterproofing bathrooms in birthing centre.
- 2017: Trinity Grammar Sydney green roof waterproofing scope of work.
- 2017: Waterproofing scope of work for Pridham Hall Adelaide green roof.
- 2016; Expert opinion Aureus Apartments Canberra for ACT Government Solicitor.
- 2016: Waterproofing scope for Vibe Hotel rooftop refurbishment.
- 2015: Probuild Melbourne present standardised waterproofing form.
- 2015: Waterproofing scope of work for Hyde Park Pool of Reflection.
- 2015: MBA Re-accreditation conference – remedial waterproofing.
- 2014: Scope of work for waterproofing at Sydney Oversea’s Passenger Terminal.
- 2010: Probuild Pty Ltd Perth- Overview of waterproofing multi-level buildings.
- 2010: Institute of Building Consultants Annual Conference Shoal Bay review of AS 4654.2-2009 and planter box waterproofing.
- 2010: Sydney East Architects AS 4654.2-2009 and planter box waterproofing design considerations.
- 2010: MBA Gosford seminar on planter box waterproofing and flashings.
- 2010: Bannermans Lawyer’s common waterproofing failures- common faults.
- 2009: Royal Institute of Architects seminar, “Waterproofing critical wet areas” design considerations.
- 2009: Project managed refurbishment of Lone Pine Hotel.
- 2008: Project managed refurbishment of the Mill Hotel.
- 2008: Training seminar for Parkview Constructions Pty Ltd- design and construction of internal and external waterproofing in Class 2 buildings.
- 2008: MBA Rose Hill Racecourse Seminar ‘Waterproofing, where are we now?’ 300 participants. Focus on design considerations.
- 2006: Probuild Melbourne prepared work method statement and lecture on waterproofing in Class 2 buildings.
- 2005: Project managed refurbishment of Longeville Hotel.
- 2004: Presented training course to Fugen Constructions Pty Ltd on Industry Best Practice Methods of Internal Wet Area Waterproofing Class 2 buildings.
- 2004: Presented training course to all of Barclay Mowlem site staff on Industry Best Practice Methods of Internal Wet Area Waterproofing Class 2 buildings.
- 2004: Prepared work method statement in conjunction with Bostik Finlay for application of polyurethane membrane in Class 2 multi-storey residential developments.
- 2003: Building Codes Board. Preparation of the training package for the national waterproofing course.
- 2003: Founding member of the Master Builders Waterproofing Council.
- 2002: Master Builders Association provided direction on course content for TAFE course in “Wet Area Waterproofing”.
- 1997: Guest speaker for South Side Valuers. Topic: Pre-purchase Inspections
- 1989: TAFE teacher Building Diploma Course